I love to read. Love it!
I post my reviews here and on goodreads.com. If you’re a publisher or author, feel free to contact me; I’m always looking for new books to read. Email me at clarereads[at]gmail[dot]com.
I will attempt to read every book I am sent, and will give every book 50 pages. I cannot promise a positive review in return for a book. I will write my own review of the book, and I focus primarily on plot and writing quality or style.
I am a busy mom of three children and while I may finish the book, the review may take a little bit longer. My acceptance of a review copy does not guarantee that I will write a review. If you have a specific deadline you would like a review completed by, please send the book in advance and let me know your deadline. I will accommodate your deadline as much as I can.
I frequently check books out from the library and I often win books on Goodreads.com. Some of the books I've won are Advanced Reader Copies, or unedited manuscripts. I prefer to read completed books, since it's far less distracting for me to focus on the plot and the story telling and the writing style, if I'm not worrying about whether or not there should be a question mark there. Since I may often quote from a book, published books may have slightly different text from my ARC pages. I try to note when it's an ARC.
I don’t have ready access to an e-reader device, so I regret I cannot accept electronic copies for review. If I'm on the computer, I'm usually writing reviews and not reading books, so please don't send me any PDFs.